Friday, January 16, 2026
In-Person Test Session
**Application Deadline is Monday, December 15, 2025**
Pre-Preliminary through Bronze (Juvenile): $80 per test
Pre Silver (Intermediate) and Silver (Novice): $90 per test
Pre Gold (Junior) and Gold (Senior): $100 per test
**Test Fees are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Board of Directors with or without prior notice.**
In-Person Test Session
**Application Deadline is Monday, December 15, 2025**
Pre-Preliminary through Bronze (Juvenile): $80 per test
Pre Silver (Intermediate) and Silver (Novice): $90 per test
Pre Gold (Junior) and Gold (Senior): $100 per test
**Test Fees are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Board of Directors with or without prior notice.**
- All non-members must include a “Permission to Test" outside of their home club letter, issued by home club test chairperson.
- Application must be returned to test chair and postmarked no later than the deadline.
- Applications postmarked after the deadline date must include a $25.00 late fee.
- A late application will only be accepted upon approval of the test chair.
- Test fees will not be refunded after the deadline.
- All program songs need to be on a CD or on a device that can connect via Bluetooth. Please remember to bring a back up copy of your music!
Please email or mail the testing application to Jill at:
[email protected] Mankato FSC Testing
C/O Jill Nusser
20955 549th Avenue
Mankato MN 56001
[email protected] Mankato FSC Testing
C/O Jill Nusser
20955 549th Avenue
Mankato MN 56001
If you have any questions regarding testing please contact
our test chair Jill Nusser.
our test chair Jill Nusser.